Team partner with APC Environmental Management, to develop a Regional Waste Management Priorities and Implementation Plan. The plan will address how to reduce waste generation and enhance resource recovery in order to prolong landfill life. The plan is also required to create local employment and training opportunities through new management activities or modifications of existing activities. The plan will;
o Develop a practical Landfill and Waste Depot Operations and Management Guideline
o Develop a landfill management improvement program with a prioritised inventory of works, capital and recurrent operating budget, and a landfill closure and replacement schedule.
o Identify regional resource recovery options through reviewing the flow of materials into the APY Lands
National Manager of R&D Infrastructure, Healthabitat, FaCSIA, Australia.
Design and implement an infrastructure survey in conjunction with the Healthabitat Housing Survey/Fix program, in aboriginal communities across Australia. The infrastructure survey is designed to focus on the main infrastructure components in a community that interact with housing and house hardware and might have a direct impact on the capacity of the house to deliver healthy living functions. Subsequently the survey focused on the following infrastructure components
o Water
o Electricity
o Liquid Waste
The survey includes some sophisticated data logging components that must be conducted at the time of the survey as well as data collection components relating to historical data.
Design and implement a database to record the results of the survey and report on the findings to the communities as well as provide other interrogative capacity to interrelate the findings of the infrastructure survey with the findings of the housing survey.
Ph: +61 (0)8 8223 3083
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